What we do

Construction Planning

Starting your community repair project can be confusing and overwhelming. Multiple units, contrasting bids, where do you begin? A.D. Magellan understands the stress that is involved in making huge decisions on behalf of everyone in your community.

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Construction Management

Managing a repair project can be time-consuming! So many different balls in the air, will the project be finished on time, within budget and will the result be a quality product? A.D. Magellan is here to ensure all of this happens for your community and make

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Construction Funding Optimization

Our Construction Funding Optimization plan (CFO) is an effective and strategic planning tool to help your board prepare for their large upcoming projects. By creating a construction funding plan, we will establish the most effective road map to maintain your community. Think of us as your Google Maps, getting you to your destination in the most efficient way, steering you away from traffic and pitfalls.

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Building Inspections

There is so much to inspect on your community’s buildings to ensure they are kept safe and beautiful. Does that railing need to be repainted or is there a bigger issue and replacement is needed? A.D. Magellan can provide the information to answer these concerns giving you and your community peace of mind.

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Roof Repair

Utilizing state-of-the-art digital and thermal drone technology, A.D. Magellan’s team of roof experts will identify important details about your roof that cannot be determined with visual or physical inspections.

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SB326/SB721 Inspections

As of January 1, 2020, Senate Bill 326 has taken effect for HOA communities. This bill requires associations to conduct visual inspections of exterior elevated elements and load-bearing components six feet above ground. Examples of these are balconies, decks, patios and elevated walkways. It is required that a Licensed Structural Engineer or Architect generate a report summarizing the findings, which will then be included into the association’s reserve study.

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