What Does Construction Management Include?

If you plan to undertake a project, you must assemble the right team. You can have all the best intentions and financial muscle, but it can still go wrong. Many undertake projects that waste time and money because of such factors as poor personnel selection. If you are not a professional in the construction industry, hiring someone who is should be your priority. 


Construction management involves careful planning, coordinating, and controlling a project from start to finish. Get a professional manager with experience if you want your project to succeed. They will see to it that your project meets the most desirable outcome.



Stakeholders of a Project



Construction projects involve two main stakeholders whose specifications and requirements the manager must meet. Internal stakeholders are arguably the closest people to the project. They include the project owners, consultants, contractors, and subcontractors. The end users of the structure also fall in this category.


External stakeholders are the parties affected by the project. They are not directly involved in the construction, but their positions matter. They include the surrounding community, government agencies, politicians, and labor unions. The support staff, licensing, and inspection organizations are also external stakeholders. 



Who Are Construction Managers?



As the name suggests, these are professionals who oversee any type of construction. What makes them so important is that they do the following: 


  • Coordinate and supervise residential, commercial, or public projects. 
  • Manage the work on bridges, roads, or industrial structures.
  • Consult with the client during the project’s design phase. Doing so helps control costs and refine the plans. 
  • Play a crucial role in making decisions and human resource management.
  • Manage and coordinate processes to meet the specifications of the design. 
  • Oversee personnel such as specialized contractors. 
  • Ensure the completion of the project within the set period.






Some of their responsibilities entail time, quality, and cost management. Below are the main functions with further explanation: 


  • Increasing the efficiency of resources through labor procurement, equipment, and materials.
  • Setting operations and implementing them during the construction process.
  • Figuring out the objectives and plans of a project.
  • Developing measures to resolve potential conflicts in the project.



Phases That Projects Go Through



The management makes necessary adjustments and monitors the project’s efficiency. It does so through the following stages: 


  • Design: This phase ensures that the project meets existing regulations and requirements. The design phase covers the bidding process, document design, and drafting. It also covers the finalization of the project. 
  • Pre-construction: The project team comes together to begin the project. It investigates the site during the pre-construction phase.
  • Procurement: This stage involves getting the necessary material, equipment, and labor. A general contractor or a subcontractor are some of the key people involved in this stage. 
  • Construction: This phase covers the actual construction of the project.



Documenting Activity and Resolving Disputes 



Regular meetings discussing the progress of the project are necessary. They help deal with arising and potential problems.


The manager should take part in such meetings to understand the concerns of the project. Each discussion needs documentation to track changes during the process.


For more about construction management, visit AD Magellan Construction Planning and Management. Our office is in Vista, California. Call (877) 899-5990 to book an appointment today.

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